Any questions or suggestion are welcome. Please contact us at:

Welcome to the Peterborough and District Probus Club

PROBUS is an association of retired persons who come together in autonomous clubs throughout the world.
It is non-religious, nonsectarian, non-profit, and non-political. Not a service club Simple in structure, minimal costs,
directed to providing fellowship, the opportunity for learning – no religion, no politics, no fund-raising – a means of
getting and staying connected to friends, the community, and the world.

A PROBUS CLUB’s activities include: A Monthly Meeting on a set day from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon: a brief business
session, coffee break, approximately 1 hour for a guest speaker and discussion. Programs include excursions,
social events, and other special interest activities.

For additional information please contact: Shirley Barry, Membership Chair,

Probus Clubs worldwide are not service organizations and are non-sectarian and non-political, although members are largely active volunteers in many community organizations. Clubs are formed to provide social events and schedule speakers to keep members up to date with community issues and happenings. Many members have formed smaller interest groups for hobbies such as sports, entertainment, playing bridge, fishing, travel, computers, etc.